
arthur pizza

I moved to Orange County

Most of my life I’ve lived in Los Angeles County. For the first time in my life I am a resident of Orange County in California. There are some cultural differences that i am struggling to understand.

To be completely honest the Trump flags are a little off putting. When you see a lifted truck and the hood stands above the average person’s height it truly feels like the owner of that trump does not care about the lives of others. There’s a form of selfishness i see and those type of people.

However I don’t think that’s a good representation of the majority of residents of Orange County california.

Public Transit

I’m a long time public transit user and proponent. The biggest shock to me so far as been the utter lack of options when it comes to getting around without a car. Some buses only run once an hour and I have not yet seen a single line that runs more often than every thirty minutes. Most bus stops seemed to be pressed to right up against the stroad.

Fortunately i’ve seen a lot of wide sidewalks. Very few neighborhoods have no sidewalks and according to the local laws cycling on a sidewalk is safe.

Though might be frustrating to do so cycling seems like a really good option to get around. The distances however are great, and I think the only way it would make sense is if I switched to a pedal assist electric bicycle.

Orange County Public Libraries

It brings me joy to let you know that one area that’s properly funded is Orange County libraries. The location closest to us, the Westminster branch, is very nice.the entire facility is clean. The computers and desks are relatively modern and there seems to be an excellent selection of books, magazines, comics, and movies.

As far as my local branches concerned no options for 3D printing but i’m hoping other libraries in the area can offer such services. I’ve become spoiled by some of the amenities offered by the long beach library.

My New Home

Ultimately I moved here to be closer to family and my girlfriend so I plan on making the best of it. We’ll see how it goes.

Also, I made a new video.